Advantages of Double Chin Liposuction with Smartlipo Triplex

by | Published on Jul 18, 2016 | Chin Liposuction/Double Chin Liposuction

Are you concerned about stubborn fat in the chin and neck? The good news is that double chin liposuction using Smartlipo Triplex can help resolve the problem safely and effectively. When performed by a surgeon who is skilled in using the Smartlipo technology, the procedure results in a chiseled, smooth jaw line and neck and improved facial proportions.

Double Chin Liposuction using Smartlipo Triplex

The Smartlipo Triplex workstation employs three powerful laser wavelengths – 1064nm, 1320nm and 1440nm – to get rid of excess fat and restore the natural shape of the chin. The laser energy melts the fat gently, allowing for easy and painless extraction. The procedure simultaneously tightens the skin and provides a superior outcome, unlike conventional liposuction which leaves behind loose skin. The treatment lifts sagging jowls and tones the neck area.

Redefine your facial profile with double chin liposuction.

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Benefits of Choosing Smartlipo to Address Double Chin

Double Chin

  • Minimally invasive procedure: The procedure’s minimal invasiveness is one of its main benefits. In contrast to conventional liposuction techniques, Smartlipo uses laser technology to liquefy fat deposits, resulting in a less invasive and smoother removal process. When compared to traditional methods, this is associated with lesser surgical trauma.
  • Outpatient treatment done under local anesthesia: Usually, Smartlipo laser liposuction is performed as an outpatient procedure under local anesthesia. In addition to improving patient comfort, this also eliminates the need for general anesthesia and the hazards involved. Patients benefit from a quicker recovery and increased safety.
  • Only tiny incisions involved: The incisions created for this procedure are comparatively very small in size. Traditional liposuction requires larger incisions. Smaller incisions reduce scarring, which improves the final result’s aesthetic appeal and offers an additional cosmetic benefit.
  • Reduced surgical trauma: Patients experience less pain, bleeding, and discomfort as a result of Smartlipo technology’s accuracy and lesser surgical trauma. Compared to conventional procedures, this treatment’s use of laser technology helps coagulate blood vessels during the process, resulting in reduced bleeding. Patients thus experience reduced pain and discomfort following the treatment.
  • Quick recovery: The speedy recovery that Smartlipo provides is possibly one of its most alluring features. In most cases, patients are able to return to their regular activities soon after the treatment. In comparison to more invasive surgical techniques, a quicker recovery and less trauma are ensured with the use of local anesthesia and smaller incisions.

Experience the benefits of Smartlipo double chin liposuction.

Call us at1-888-869-2762 to know more.

The Surgeon’s Skills Paramount to Success

The best place to have double double chin liposuction is at an AAAASF-accredited surgical facility that is dedicated to providing Smartlipo procedures. The surgeons in such facilities would be experts in the treatment and can provide safe treatment, superior results, and a comfortable surgical experience.

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