Look Younger and Slimmer with Neck Liposuction

Excess fat under the chin and jawline or a double chin is a common aesthetic concern and many men and women are getting neck liposuction in NYC to address it. This cosmetic procedure removes the fat and tightens the skin, and improves the overall appearance of the neck, chin and jawline.

Plastic surgeons at Park Avenue Smart Lipo™ in NYC provide effective neck contouring treatment using the FDA approved laser-assisted Smartlipo Triplex device. Our NYC plastic surgeons are highly qualified and experienced, and they perform thousands of lipo procedures annually. The procedure performed under local anesthesia requires only a very small incision under the chin. It uses laser energy to liquefy the stubborn fat so that it can be suctioned off easily.  The technology also works to tighten the skin.

If you want a firmer and more well-defined chin and jawline, neck, liposuction may be the right procedure for you.

Check out our Smartlipo neck liposuction before and after photos!

This photo gallery shows the remarkable results achieved by a patient who underwent neck laser liposuction and chin implant procedure at our practice in NYC.

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