Get a Toned Body with High Definition Laser Liposuction

by | Published on Sep 12, 2018 | High Definition Laser Liposuction

High definition (hi-def) liposuction precisely and efficiently removes both superficial and deep fat that surrounds muscle groups to enhance the visibility of underlying toning and musculature. This advanced body sculpting technique can provide men with a six-pack abs and a ripped chest, and women with a sleek, trimmer abdomen and waistline. Hi def liposuction in NYC is performed using minimally-invasive Smartlipo Triplex workstation.

Smartlipo Triplex is a triple wavelength lypolysis system that uses laser energy to liquefy fat prior to extraction. The treatment also helps coagulate tissues and tighten the skin to result in a tighter, toned physique. It can safely remove stubborn fat from areas such as the abdomen, buttocks, flanks, hips, waist and upper arms. The procedure uses a small cannula to deliver laser energy into the treatment area through small incisions. The Smartlipo Triplex workstation is also equipped with intelligent delivery systems that help the surgeon to monitor skin temperature and regulate the flow of energy, thereby preventing overtreatment. The best candidates for the treatment are those who are in good physical health and close to their ideally weight.

The key benefits of Smartlipo laser liposuction are:

  • Minimally-invasive, requires only local anesthesia
  • Safe and effective
  • Reliable and controlled delivery of energy
  • Less swelling, bleeding and bruising than traditional liposuction
  • Low risk of complications
  • Reduced treatment time and patient downtime
  • Quick healing and speedy recovery
  • Minimal scarring, pain and discomfort

Recovery and Results after High Definition Laser Liposuction

As Smartlipo treatment can be performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia, it has a quicker recovery than traditional liposuction surgery. The recovery period is generally two to three weeks, without any strenuous activity. To reduce post-surgical swelling, patients should wear the compression garment as instructed by their surgeon. High impact activities including jogging and bouncing activities should be avoided for up to six weeks. Final results are most noticeable 2-4 months following hi-def lipo and will continue to improve as the body starts healing. However, regular exercise and a healthy diet are important to maintain the results for long.

For successful outcome, make sure that your procedure is performed by a plastic surgeon who is trained and experienced in hi-def body contouring using Smartlipo technology. Choosing an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery facility is crucial for a safe and comfortable surgical experience.

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