Can Hip Liposuction using Smartlipo provide Effective Results for Middle-aged Women?

by | Published on Feb 15, 2017 | Hip Liposuction

Women who reach middle age find that the shape of their body changes, especially the hips. Even rigorous exercise and diets cannot address this aesthetic concern, which is why many women seek liposuction. Established NYC plastic surgery practices offer hip liposuction using Smartlipo Triplex technology, which minimizes downtime and side effects. But can this minimally invasive procedure provide effective results for middle-aged women?

Generally speaking, the answer is ‘yes’ as age is not considered a barrier for the treatment. However, whether the procedure will provide the desired outcome depends on many other factors.

The quality of the skin is a key consideration. Fat removal will leave the skin flabby and unattractive if the skin quality is poor. Another important factor for success with the treatment is good communication with the surgeon. Patients should freely discuss their concerns and expectations as this will enable the surgeon to provide them with an individualized treatment plan.

As with all cosmetic surgical treatments, the patient should be in good health, without any serious medical conditions as otherwise it would affect the treatment process and recovery. Another important consideration is that the patient should have realistic expectation about the results.

A good surgeon would perform a comprehensive physical exam and evaluation to determine if you are a good candidate for procedure. So it is very important to choose the right surgeon.

Unlike conventional liposuction, Smartlipo laser liposuction allows for easier removal of fat and provides better skin retraction after the surgery. In areas such as posterior hip rolls, Smartlipo provides targeted spot fat reduction and can work wonders. The other benefits of this minimally invasive procedure include:

  • Needs only local anesthesia
  • Liquefies and removes superficial as well as deep fat
  • Fast paced treatment
  • Minimal pain / discomfort
  • Hardly any signs of surgical intervention
  • Short downtime and quick recovery
  • More predictable, longer lasting results

Choosing a NYC plastic surgeon who is experienced and skilled in performing this procedure is crucial for safe treatment and optimal outcomes.

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