Submental Liposuction using Smartlipo Triplex for a Well-sculpted Lower Face

by | Published on Oct 10, 2016 | SmartLipo Triplex

Facial aging is an aesthetic concern for people who wish to look as young as they feel. The surplus fat under the chin, along the upper portion of the neck, and beneath the jowl are among the most common concerns. There are proven invasive techniques such as facelift and neck lift that can successfully address these problems. For those preferring a minimally invasive alternative with fewer incisions and quicker recovery, safe and efficient submental liposuction would be a great choice.

Unfavorable patterns of fat deposits and tissue laxity can occur with aging. The jowls turn out to be more conspicuous when the jaw line becomes thicker and less distinct. That is when people often complain about a double-chin. Submental liposuction using advanced techniques such as Smartlipo Triplex is now a much preferred alternative. A reliable plastic surgeon would offer attractive aesthetic outcomes with only three tiny 0.5 cm incisions placed in inconspicuous areas under the chin. The end result would be a well-defined lower face for the right candidate.

A typical procedure using laser technology involves melting the fat in the area with targeted liposuction. The melted fat is then sucked out effectively using a cannula. The skin in the area is also tightened to give a contouring effect.

Individuals with platysmal banding, excessively thin skin, inelastic tissue, or minimal fat in the area may not find this procedure very effective. The treatment is ideal for those having surplus pre-platysmal fat or a heavy, square-shaped, bottom-heavy face. Since this procedure uses local anesthesia, complications associated with general anesthesia can be avoided.

Just as in any other cosmetic procedure, a qualified, trained and experienced liposuction surgeon can provide the best results. Submental liposuction should be done with utmost precision; otherwise complications and asymmetry are likely. Improper handling of the procedure can result in contour abnormalities such as notching and irregular appearance of the skin. So approach a qualified surgeon to find out if you can benefit from the procedure and enjoy an optimal outcome.

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