Want To Get Rid Of Stubborn Fat? Make Liposuction In Manhattan Your New Year Resolution!

by | Published on Dec 9, 2022 | Laser Liposuction

Get the body you want this New Year with plastic surgery! Liposuction in Manhattan can remove stubborn fat from various areas and support your New Year resolution to get a leaner, fit body. A skilled liposuction surgeon can help you achieve dramatic and natural looking body contouring results.

For most people, the holiday months are often about vacation, rest, and relaxation, and find it hard to keep up with their workout routine. Even if they do, they often fail to get the desired result. Whether your concern is belly fat, love handles or a double chin, laser liposuction can provide effective results. Thanks to the advancements in liposuction technology, skilled plastic surgeons perform this fat reduction procedure using minimally invasive technology. Laser liposuction is a good option for those who are close to their ideal weight. The procedure is performed using the Smartlipo Triplex workstation that utilizes three laser wavelengths (1064 nm, 1320 nm and 1440 nm) that liquefy fat prior to extraction. It can effectively treat both large and small areas of the body such as the arms, face, abdomen, buttocks, love handles, saddlebags, hips, thighs, knees and calves, creating more attractive contours and a body that’s better proportioned. The laser energy also induces skin tightening.

Compared to traditional liposuction surgery, Smartlipo laser liposuction comes with diverse benefits such as minimal complications, short recovery time, superior body contouring results, outpatient treatment under local anesthesia, and fast recovery. Smartlipo technology is also specially designed to target only the fat cells, leaving the other tissues unharmed.

Most patients take just two weeks to recover and get back to their daily routine. Follow your surgeon’s instructions and wear the compression garment as recommended.

Though liposuction in Manhattan can provide more dramatic body contouring results, it is not a weight loss procedure. When scheduling your consultation with your NYC liposuction surgeon, make sure to evaluate the before-and-after photos of actual liposuction patients to get an idea about the results the procedure can provide. After your liposuction treatment, maintain a healthy lifestyle to preserve your results and stay at your ideal weight. For optimal results, choose an experienced liposuction surgeon.

Reshape your body this New Year with liposuction in Manhattan!

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