Why The Brazilian Butt Lift Is Long-Lasting And A Better Option Than Fillers

by | Published on May 23, 2022 | Buttocks Liposuction

With advancements in plastic surgery, there are many invasive, minimally invasive and non-surgical body contouring options for women. When it comes to achieving fuller, shapely buttocks, there are three options – the Brazilian butt-lift (BBL), buttock implants and non-surgical filler injections. The Brazilian butt lift is unique in that it uses your own fat to provide the desired enhancement and also improves the contour of the fat donor sites – the abdomen, waist, hips, and thighs. Also, while dermal fillers have a short lifespan, BBL results last for many years.

Brazilian Butt Lift

The Brazilian Butt Lift is rapidly growing in popularity. The major advantage of this procedure is that it uses the candidate’s own fat to contour their derriere. A small to moderate BBL performed using local anesthesia is a minimally invasive cosmetic surgical procedure. Fat is harvested from other areas of your body (usually the abdomen, flanks, or thighs) using a minimally invasive liposuction technique. It is then purified and injected into the buttocks at the right places and depths.

What Makes the Brazilian Butt Lift So Popular?

Expert plastic surgeons recommend BBL over dermal fillers for many reasons.

Let’s look at fillers first.

Most dermal fillers use poly-L-lactic acid, a synthetic filler that is biocompatible, to plump the buttocks by stimulating your body’s own collagen production. When injected into the deep dermis, fillers to create an illusion of lifted and rounder buttocks. However, the procedure comes with certain drawbacks and side effects.

  • Hydrogel and silicone materials used in buttock injections can lead to granuloma lumps. The lumps and bumps often remain until the effect of the filler wears out, causing disfigurement.
  • Fillers can trigger an inflammation in the body.
  • The filler can migrate from the injection site to other areas of the body.
  • Injection site infection is another concern when large volumes are used. If the filler enters the blood vessels, it can damage overlying skin.
  • When incorrectly placed, dermal fillers can cause stroke.
  • Results are subtle and fade over time.

Dermal fillers are typically requested by women who don’t want liposuction or don’t have enough fat for BBL. But with all the risks involved, experts strongly recommend the Brazilian butt lift over dermal fillers.

Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery – the Gold Standard for Butt Augmentation

Experienced plastic surgeons consider BBL the gold standard for butt enhancement. One of the main reasons for this is that it is a dual benefit procedure:

  • It provides patients with fuller, well-defined and perky buttocks using their own fat
  • It improves overall body contour and proportions by removing unwanted fat via liposuction from areas such as the mid back, flanks or love handles, outer and inner thighs, and abdomen.
  • BBL provides long-lasting outcomes. Once the fat graft has matured after several weeks to months, the fat will last several years or longer.

BBL provides results with minimal downtime, side effects, and recovery time. It avoids anesthesia-related complications and provides attractive, natural-looking outcomes.

Brazilian Butt Lift 360 contours and reshapes your midsection, 360 degrees around. In 360-degree fat is harvested fat from the entire midsection, improves body contour from every angle. The outcome is an hourglass figure with a waist at least a third smaller than the hips – the golden hip to waist ratio.

The right candidate for BBL is a person who is in good health and has enough fat and an appropriate body type in order to be able to harvest enough fat, in order to make an effective change to the buttocks during transfer. Temporary numbness in the areas where the fat was harvested or liposuctioned is common and resolves in about four to six weeks.

Though fat transfer sounds simple, it is not. BBL is a complex procedure that should only be performed by a plastic surgeon with specialized training in the technique and has a thorough understanding of the structures of the body to perform it safely and correctly. Experts will consider several factors to provide a safe Brazilian butt lift, such as: the amount of fat that can be safely removed, amount of fat that can be safely injected, and the site of the fat injections and depth. Choosing an AAAASF-accredited practice is necessary for adherence to routine surgical safety precautions and hygiene practices.

Experienced NYC plastic surgeons also perform butt reduction in NYC. The procedure removes stubborn fat from the buttocks to create the ideal shape.

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