Improve Your Body Contour with Love Handles Liposuction

Plastic surgeons at Park Avenue Smart Lipo™ are experts in performing laser liposuction to help women get rid of stubborn fat deposits in various areas of the body. Liposuction on love handles at our Manhattan, NYC surgical center is an ideal option to address stubborn fat around the hips and achieve a well-shaped waist and midsection.

Love handles liposuction performed using the advanced Smartlipo Triplex laser-assisted device blends safety with efficiency and removes unwanted fat easily, effectively and safely. The procedure needs only local anesthesia and allows you to achieve your aesthetic goals without much surgical trauma.

Though recovery and downtime vary based on individual considerations, most patients return to their work within 48 hours of the procedure.

Check out these before and after photos of our patients to see the visible results of flanks/love handles liposuction.

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