Liposuction Helps Treats Certain Health Conditions Too

by | Published on Jul 8, 2014 | Liposuction Surgery

Liposuction removes localized deposits of fat that are hard to lose through exercise and a healthy diet. People who are close to their normal weight and have good skin elasticity experience the best results. There are conventional techniques as well as minimally invasive procedures such as laser liposuction that help achieve the desired results with minimal downtime. Areas that can be treated include the abdomen, arms, buttocks, back, hips, thighs, calves, neck, and face. However, in addition to improving body contour, this plastic surgery procedure can also improve health. Let’s look at the specific medical conditions it can help treat:

  • Excess of fat is usually accompanied by surplus skin, resulting in skin folds. Bacteria and infections can build up in the folds leading to chronic skin disease. As the procedure removes the excess fat and skin, and also has skin tightening effects, the folds disappear which reduces the risk of topical infections.
  • Lipolyis helps treat benign fatty tumors or lipomas. Though complete removal may not be possible by suctioning off the liquefied fat alone, the procedure can pretreat the lipoma before it is surgically extracted and minimize complications.
  • The procedure is ideal to treat gynecomastia – abnormal enlargement of the male breasts. In addition to removing excess fat and skin, innovative technologies allow the plastic surgeon to provide the patient with a well-defined manlier chest.
  • A person’s self-confidence and self-esteem gets a real boost after a successful body contouring procedure. Improvement in body image can relieve feelings of depression and increase quality of life, says recent research.
  • Removing fat accumulated around the neck is often used in treating lipodystrophy or problems with metabolism of fat in the body.
  • By treat the superficial layer of the skin where the sweat glands are located, lipolysis can help reduce excess underarm sweating or hyperhidrosis.
  • Lipoedema or abnormal fat build-up in the legs, thighs and buttocks, a condition which affects only women, is another condition that this procedure helps resolve.
  • After extreme weight loss, this cosmetic surgical treatment helps remove extra skin, correct scarring, and resolve other aesthetic issues.

For all its aesthetic and medical benefits, liposuction is not a weight loss technique. The right surgeon can decide if you are the right candidate and inform you about your options.

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