Ankle Liposuction: An Effective Option to Get Rid Of Cankles

by | Published on May 28, 2018 | Liposuction Surgery

Cankles or thick ankles occur when fat deposits build up in the calf and ankles and causes swelling. The persisting swelling could be due to factors ranging from diet to hormonal fluctuations, according to Though commonly seen in women, men can also develop cankles. People with stubborn heavy, thick ankles and calves (cankles) that are resistant to diet and exercises can consider Smartlipo Triplex in NYC. Ankle liposuction performed using the minimally-invasive Smartlipo can provide you with well-shaped, attractive lower legs.

Even a small amount of fat around the ankles can make you look heavier, especially when you wear clothes that expose your lower legs. Ankle liposuction can help you to get sculpted legs by eliminating those extra fat deposits from the calves and ankles. Smartlipo laser technology is considered a good option to address the concern as is designed for effective contouring of even delicate areas.

This laser liposuction procedure involves making tiny incisions in appropriate and discreet locations at the treatment site – the ankles and calves – to deliver laser energy and liquefy the fat. The FDA-approved minimally invasive Smartlipo Triplex workstation features three laser wavelengths (1064 nm, 1320 nm, and 1440 nm) that allow targeted liposuction under local anesthesia. These triple wavelength work to liquefy fat, coagulate the tissues and tighten the loose skin for the best results. It also comes with intelligent delivery systems that constantly monitor skin temperature and deliver safe levels of energy to prevent overtreatment.

The benefits of ankle liposuction using Smartlipo Triplex are:

  • Minimally-invasive outpatient procedure under local anesthesia
  • Tissue tightening through tissue coagulation
  • Tiny incisions
  • Minimal surgical trauma and reduced downtime
  • Short treatment time and quicker recovery
  • Outstanding results
  • Short downtime and quick recovery

The ideal patient for laser liposuction in NYC is a person who is in good health and has good skin tone.

Aftercare involves wearing a compression garment around the treatment area and avoiding strenuous activities for first few days. Any discomfort can be alleviated with prescribed pain medications.

If you are considering ankle liposuction, choose an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery that offers using Smartlipo in NYC and has experienced and skilled plastic surgeons. As the ankles are a delicate area, good results depend on the surgeon’s skill and experience in Smartlipo laser liposuction. A skilled surgeon will take account of factors such as skin elasticity, muscle definition and fat distribution to develop a customized treatment plan. If required, liposuction on thighs and knees may be recommended in conjunction with ankle liposuction surgery to tone the entire leg and enhance the outcome.

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