Arm Liposuction – The Secret to Well-toned Arms

by | Published on Oct 27, 2014 | Arm Liposuction

Weight loss, aging and heredity can cause the upper arms to droop and sag, issues which often cannot be corrected through exercise. Luckily, plastic surgery offers an effective option – arm liposuction. The procedure involves making incisions in the skin and inserting a specialized suction cannula to aspirate or vacuum out the excess fat. While various technologies are used to perform the treatment, one of the most effective is laser-assisted SmartLipo Triplex liposuction.

With this novel minimally-invasive workstation, excess fat in the upper arms can be removed easily and safely. The plastic surgeon administers a local anesthetic to numb the nerves and restrict blood vessels for the easier location of fat cells. Tiny incisions are made in the skin near the elbow or in armpit crease and the small cannula with three laser wavelengths is inserted into site. The laser energy is delivered directly to the fat cells through the cannula, causing them to break up. The liquefied fat is then gently suctioned out.

One of the main advantages of SmartLipo technology its effective skin tightening capabilities via tissue coagulation. While liquefying the fatty and fibrous tissue, the laser also encourages the production of collagen, which leads reduces skin laxity. This technology comes with temperature monitoring capabilities to prevent burns and other complications and an intelligent hand-piece delivery system that distributes precise energy for optimal results. It is also designed to prevent overheating of the skin. Pain and scarring are also minimal.

This simple, minimally-invasive arm liposuction procedure can be done on an outpatient basis. It can result in sleeker upper arm contour. Since this method treats both the underlying supportive tissue as well as the skin, significant over all skin smoothening can be successfully achieved. As it is an outpatient procedure, recovery is quick.

For optimal results, it is important to have the procedure performed by a plastic surgeon who is an expert in using SmartLipo technology. Treatment at an AAAASF-accredited surgical practice would ensure adherence to safe standards and standardized procedures.

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