Flank Liposuction – The Ideal Option to Get Rid of Love Handles

by | Published on Feb 3, 2020 | Liposuction Surgery

Love handles are those unwanted bulges of fat that build up in the area extending down the waist to sides of the hips. Caused due to weight gain, hormonal changes, aging, genetics and pregnancy, this stubborn fat usually fails to respond to even rigorous diets and exercise. Liposuction is the ideal option to resolve this concern. Flank liposuction or love handles liposuction in NYC is performed using minimally-invasive FDA-approved Smartlipo technology, which involves liquefying the unwanted fat and gently suctioning it off. Men sometimes seek flank liposuction to remove fat around the midsection.

Smartlipo in NYC has become an increasingly popular body contouring procedure as it allows your aesthetic goals without going under the knife. The Smartlipo love handle procedure removes stubborn fat without affecting the surrounding tissues. Moreover, the device’s skin tightening feature allows the surgeon to provide toned results. This laser-assisted technique involves less recovery time than convention liposuction surgery and is best for removing localized deposits of fat.

The love handles are an excellent spot for laser liposuction and a skilled surgeon can perform the procedure to trim the waist and tone the muscles. The Smartlipo Triplex workstation utilizes three unique laser wavelengths – 1064 nm, 1320 nm, and 1440 nm – to disrupt fat cells and coagulate tissue, resulting in tissue retraction. It can be used in single or blended mode. Its intelligent delivery systems, SmartSense™ with ThermaGuide™ and ThermaView™, constantly monitor and regulate skin temperature and maintain safe levels of treatment. Love handles liposuction performed using this advanced laser-assisted device, blends safety with efficiency and removes unwanted fat easily, effectively and safely, allowing you to achieve your aesthetic goals without much surgical trauma.

Healthy men and women with good skin elasticity and distinct pockets of excess fat in areas like the love handles are considered good candidates for laser liposuction of the love handles. They should be in good health and also maintain realistic expectations about the outcome. Patients can expect quick recovery with an improved, slimmer and fitter appearance. For enhanced results, other procedures such as  abdominal liposuction can be done at the same time.

The benefits of laser liposuction on love handles include:

  • Performed under local anesthesia on an outpatient basis
  • Patient is awake during the procedure
  • Tightens the skin by coagulating tissues
  • Less bleeding, bruising and pain than traditional liposuction
  • Only mild discomfort and low risk of complications
  • No noticeable scars

Most patients require only one session of Smartlipo and the treatment is typically completed within an hour. It is performed under local anesthesia and most patients are back at work in one or two days.

Check out these before and after photos to see the visible results of flanks/love handles liposuction.

Love handles are specific groups of abdominal muscles and can be targeted precisely with exercises such as Russian twists, bicycle crunches, one-hand toe touches and side plank leg lifts. These can be combined with cardio and toning exercises and full-core core workouts. Other healthy habits strategies to adopt include eating a nutritious diet, drinking plenty of water, managing stress, getting enough sleep, and limiting alcohol intake. If these fail to work, love handle liposuction in New York City could be the answer. For the best results, choose an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery facility with skilled surgeons who are experts in Smartlipo liposuction.

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