Gynecomastia Surgery Aftercare Tips To Improve Recovery [Infographic]

by | Published on Sep 15, 2021 | Infographics

Excess fatty and glandular tissue in the chest area, which results in gynecomastia or severe breast enlargement in men, is usually caused by factors such as hormonal imbalance, genetic traits, and obesity. Though the condition may not pose any health issues, it can impair a man’s confidence and affect his quality of life. Fortunately, gynecomastia treatment in Manhattan, NYC can address this concern effectively. It is performed under local anesthesia using the minimally-invasive FDA-approved Smartlipo Triplex workstation. The procedure utilizes laser energy to remove the excess breast fat and tissue, and results in a well-contoured, manly physique. For optimal outcomes, you need to take proper care of yourself during the recovery period.

Check out the infographic below for aftercare tips that can help speed up recovery after gynecomastia treatment:

Gynecomastia Surgery

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