When Can I See Liposuction Results?

by | Published on Sep 10, 2021 | Liposuction Surgery

A popular cosmetic surgical procedure in the U.S., liposuction in NYC removes unwanted fat from localized areas of the body to help men and women achieve an attractive, well-shaped physique. Today, liposuction is performed using advanced technologies like SmartLipo Triplex, which not only remove excess fat but also provide skin tightening benefits which traditional liposuction surgery does not provide. Though the procedure is popular, many are still confused regarding the time taken for visible results.

Depending upon certain factors such as the patient’s age, area treated, amount of fat removed, individual healing speed and how you manage the post-surgical phase, the time taken for witnessing results also would vary. Generally, ideal candidates can expect to see initial results within 2 weeks and final results with optimal skin tightening effects within 6 months.

The chance of seeing the results immediately after the procedure is less. This is because, soon after the procedure – even if its minimally-invasive – fluid retention and swelling can cause a bloated appearance, which will make you look like you gained weight or look larger in the area treated. But then this slight swelling will subside soon and results will start to become visible.

Smartlipo laser liposuction is a minimally invasive procedure that uses three powerful laser wavelengths (1064nm, 1320nm, and 1440nm) to remove fat and tighten the skin. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, avoiding the risks associated with general anesthesia that is used in conventional liposuction. The procedure comes with benefits like minimal pain and discomfort, and fast recovery.

However, be it conventional or laser liposuction, make sure you follow the surgeon’s after-care instructions – such as avoiding smoking, alcohol consumption, restraining from heavy exercise and wearing a compression garment – to speed up the healing process. During your liposuction recovery period, avoid processed foods that contain unhealthy Trans fats, instead have a healthy diet. Patients can start off with light activities and gradually increase it to the level their body tolerates it. In addition to helping you maintain the treatment results, good exercise and diet can improve your overall health. Also, don’t skip your follow-up with your treating surgeon as it helps monitor your current condition. The results of Smartlipo laser liposuction will improve over time for up to a year or longer.

Make sure you consult a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon if you are considering liposuction in New York City. An expert will help you achieve the best outcomes. Keep in mind that the results can be long-lasting only if you follow the surgeon’s after-care instructions diligently.

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