How Long Does It Take To Recover From Calf Liposuction?

by | Published on Apr 25, 2022 | Calf Liposuction

For many people, disproportionately large fat deposits in the ankles and calves can be an aesthetic concern and also limit daily mobility. When diet and exercise fail to resolve the concern, getting liposuction on calves in New York is the best option. The procedure can get rid of stubborn fat and improve the tone and definition of the calves. In NYC plastic surgery facilities, it is performed using the FDA-approved laser-assisted Smartlipo Triplex workstation. Smartlipo laser liposuction is specially designed to treat delicate areas like the calves and ankles and can provide excellent results. Though the procedure is minimally invasive and needs only local anesthesia, one question that most patients ask their plastic surgeon is how long recovery will take.

Depending on the amount of fat removed and the overall time taken to perform the procedure, the recovery time after liposuction on calves in New York will vary among patients. Generally, the recovery time for most liposuction surgeries can be anywhere from 4-12 weeks. Most patients return to work within a few days, though this would depend upon their occupation. Patients often experience slight swelling and bruising post the procedure, which will subside soon. To recover fast and to heal quickly, calf liposuction patients need to follow their surgeon’s instructions diligently.

One important post-op instruction relates to avoiding heavy activities that involve a lot of walking or sitting for long periods. Light walking may be recommended on the day after surgery, but it’s important not to overdo it. During this time, patients can take medication prescribed by their surgeon to manage discomfort. To reduce swelling, improve blood circulation, flush out of harmful fluids, and speed up the healing process, wear the recommended compression garment for the period suggested by your surgeon.

Laser liposuction on calves in NYC is a minimally-invasive procedure. The procedure involves making tiny incisions in treatment site to deliver laser energy and liquefy excess fat deposits. The FDA-approved Smartlipo Triplex workstation comes with three laser wavelengths (1064 nm, 1320 nm, and 1440 nm) for greater efficiency. It works to liquefy fat, coagulate the tissues and tighten the loose skin for the best results. Moreover, it removes the excess fat without harming the vital structures such as blood vessels, nerves and lymphatics, one of the reasons why it is an ideal option for liposuction on calves. The intelligent delivery systems constantly monitor skin temperature and deliver safe levels of energy to prevent overtreatment. One of the major advantages of laser lipolysis is that it encourages the production of collagen, which provides excellent skin tightening effects.

As results may vary from patient to patient, it’s important to have realistic expectations about the outcome. As weight gain can affect the results, stick to a healthy lifestyle after the procedure to make your outcomes last.

If you are considering laser liposuction on calves in New York, choose a reputable AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery practice that offers the services of plastic surgeons who are skilled in using Smartlipo technology to perform the procedure. In such practices, patients can expect end-to-end care and support all through the treatment till full recovery.

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