How Long To Wear Compression Garment After Arm Liposuction?

by | Published on May 13, 2022 | Arm Liposuction

Batwings or flabby upper arms caused due to genetics, natural aging, gravity and lack of exercise can make you look unfit and even ruin your overall appearance even if the rest of your body is in good shape. For many people, sagging upper arms persist even with rigorous diets and exercise. Arm liposuction in Manhattan, NYC is the best option to address that stubborn fat and loose skin. When performed by an expert liposuction surgeon, the procedure can provide you with slimmer, shapely upper arms.

In leading plastic surgery practices, surgeons perform the procedure using the FDA-approved minimally invasive, laser-assisted Smartlipo Triplex liposuction device. For smooth recovery and the best results, the patient must pay close attention to their surgeon’s instructions. One important guideline every patient has to follow after arm liposuction is with regards to wearing the compression garment. Many patients are confused as to how long they should wear this dressing.

Generally, how long you should wear your compression garment will depend on the specifics of your liposuction procedure, how much fat was removed, and the unique pace of your healing. Typically, plastic surgeons recommend wearing the compression sleeve around the arm 24×7 for up to 2-4 weeks. Then you can continue wearing it for 6 weeks or for long as it feels comfortable and supportive.

A compression garment is a close-fitting elastic garment worn after a surgical procedure to reduce bleeding and swelling. Plastic surgeons usually recommend wearing it after liposuction, tummy tuck, breast reduction surgery, and many other types of body contouring procedures. By supporting the tissues, improving drainage and easing discomfort, a compression garment helps the healing process and promotes faster recovery. The key benefits of using a compression garment after liposuction are:

  • Limits the buildup of edema, the watery fluid that can collect in the cavities or tissues of the body. Wearing the garment during the initial recovery phase will help address this concern quicker.
  • Reduces swelling and bruising that may be caused by walking following liposuction of the lower extremities
  • Helps in the retraction and shrinking of loose skin left behind after liposuction
  • Promotes fluid drainage and resorption
  • Reduces bleeding by applying pressure to the surgical sites
  • Supports contour
  • Alleviates pain and discomfort
  • Supports the tissues
  • Reduces risk of seroma and hematoma
  • Protects and stabilizes the treatment area
  • Enhances overall liposuction results
  • Reduces risk of infection

The compression garment should fit snugly to achieve its goals, but wearing a garment that is too tight can lead to pain and discomfort and prove damaging. Also, a garment that fits well will stay in place and not fold or form rolls. If it folds or rolls, this can exert too much pressure and even cut off circulation, increase risk of clot formation, and damage the skin. So make sure the garment is tight enough to provide the support you need, but not too tight. A garment with gentle compression will help ease bruising and swelling in the early post-operative phase.

Along with wearing the garment, you need to give your arms some rest too – for at least 4 to 5 days. Scarring from laser liposuction is minimal because of the small incision size. Most patients recover fully within 4 weeks.

If you are considering arm liposuction in Manhattan, NYC, find an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery facility that has experienced plastic surgeons. They will discuss everything related to the post-surgical phase at the consultation, including the use of the compression garment. Also, make sure to discuss your specific concerns, goals and options with your surgeon – this will help you make informed decisions.

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