Laser Liposuction for Well-shaped, Attractive Ankles

by | Published on Mar 12, 2021 | Laser Liposuction

The ankles and calves are a common area for fat accumulation. The thick layer of fat around the ankles and calves (or cankles) is a common aesthetic concern that affects their overall appearance. Even a small amount of fat around the ankles can make people look heavier, especially when they wear clothes that expose lower legs. These deposits of fat are quite resistant to weight reducing measures such as diet and exercise. Ankle liposuction in New York City provides the solution. In reputable plastic surgery practices, ankle sculpting is performed using the FDA- approved, laser-assisted SmartLipo Triplex device.

In this minimally invasive procedure, tiny incisions are made in the treatment site to deliver laser energy to liquefy the unwanted fat. The Smartlipo Triplex workstation comes with three laser wavelengths (1064 nm, 1320 nm, and 1440 nm) that work to liquefy fat, coagulate the tissues and tighten the loose skin. The intelligent delivery systems constantly monitor skin temperature and deliver safe levels of energy to prevent overtreatment. Smartlipo laser liposuction comes with the following benefits:

  • Minimal pain, swelling, bleeding and bruising
  • Encourages production of collagen
  • Short treatment time
  • Reduced downtime
  • Provides excellent skin tightening affects
  • Outpatient procedure under local anesthesia

Patient Selection – A Key Aspect in Liposuction

In order to reap all the benefits of ankle liposuction and gain optimal results, proper patient selection is crucial. Individuals planning to undergo ankle liposuction should be carefully evaluated by an expert plastic surgeon to make sure that their aim of achieving sculpted ankles can be achieved safely and effectively. To be an ideal candidate for ankle liposuction, you must meet the following criteria –

  • Have localized thickness or fat deposits in specific regions of the calves (like lower lateral fibular, medial tibial, or the ankle area)
  • Have realistic expectations about the procedure
  • Have good skin elasticity with no sun damage or sagging
  • Be in good health with ideal body weight
  • Be between 20 – 30 years of age with good skin tone

The procedure is not recommended for people who have –

  • Symptoms of venous insufficiency and edema
  • A history of hyper-coagulation, including deep venous thrombosis or thromboembolic events
  • Active phlebitis
  • Larger lower extremities secondary to hypertrophy of muscle tissue

Generally, most patients return to their normal routine or work within a few days, though this may depend on the nature of their occupation. As the results of the procedure may vary from patient to patient, it is important that they have realistic expectations. As weight gain can affect liposuction results, following a healthy lifestyle after the procedure is crucial to maintain outcomes. Patients need to wear the compression garment around the treatment area for the recommended time, avoid strenuous activities for a few days following the surgery and take the pain medications as prescribed by the plastic surgeon for managing severe pain or other related discomfort.

If you are planning to get laser liposuction surgery in New York City, choose an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery practice. An accredited plastic surgery practice will offer the services of plastic surgeons who have extensive experience in performing the procedure using Smartlipo technology. Such practices will also provide end-to-end care and support all through the treatment and recovery.

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