Tips To Prepare For Hi Def Liposuction

by | Last updated on Dec 20, 2024 | Published on Feb 2, 2022 | High Definition Laser Liposuction

Looking for an effective way to get rid of stubborn fat and tighten loose skin when rigorous diets and hours in the gym have failed? Consider getting high definition laser liposuction in Manhattan, an advanced, cutting-edge cosmetic surgical procedure that removes fat precisely and highlights the body’s natural musculature and contours. Performed using the Smartlipo Triplex workstation, the procedure can help you attain your body sculpting goals safely, comfortably, and quickly.

Laser liposuction involves minimal scarring, swelling, bleeding and bruising. It also comes with short treatment time and patient downtime as well as faster healing and quicker recovery. Since it provides amazing results with less pain, bruising and swelling, this technique has gained wide popularity.

What is High-Definition Laser Liposuction?

Hi-def liposuction is an innovative cosmetic surgical procedure that removes fat precisely and sculpts the body to provide an athletic appearance. Unlike conventional liposuction which just removes unwanted fat, high-definition laser liposuction involves the precise removal of smaller amounts of fat around muscle groups. The FDA-approved, minimally-invasive Smartlipo Triplex liposuction device allows plastic surgeons to perform the procedure under local anesthesia and provide attractive results. This triple wavelength lipolysis system uses laser energy to precisely remove excess fat using three laser wavelengths – 1064nm, 1440nm and 1320nm. This procedure liquefies fat prior to extraction, coagulates the tissues, and tightens the skin to provide excellent body contouring results. The workstation is also equipped with intelligent delivery systems that help surgeons monitor skin temperature, regulate the flow of energy, and minimize risks of overheating.

Preparation Tips

Before you get hi def liposuction, it is important to prepare your body and mind for the treatment. Here are tips and things to consider pre-op:

  • Do some basic research to understand the different options as well as risks involved in the procedure.
  • Reach your target weight, or at least get close to it – several months before surgery.
  • Get the recommended laboratory tests and medical evaluations to confirm that you are fully fit to undergo the procedure.
  • Quit smoking at least four weeks before and four weeks after the procedure, because nicotine in cigarettes increases risk of complications, reduces blood flow to the skin and delays healing.
  • Avoid alcohol for at least two weeks before and after the procedure.
  • Prepare or make arrangements in your home for post-op recovery such as stocking up on food and other essentials. Arrange for someone to help with the initial dressing changes for about 12 hours after the procedure and also to stay the night on the day of the surgery.
  • Arrange for someone to drive you to and from the surgical center on the day of the procedure.
  • Follow your plastic surgeon’s advice on stopping or adjusting medications before the procedure. Generally, avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements for two weeks before the treatment, as these medications thin the blood resulting in unnecessary blood loss.
  • Avoid eating anything or drinking any fluids after midnight the evening before the surgical procedure (regardless of the type of anesthesia).
  • If you notice any signs of cold, infection, fever or boils/pustules are noticed before the procedure, this should be reported immediately to the plastic surgeon.
  • Wear loose fitting, comfortable clothes on the day of the procedure.

High-Definition Laser Liposuction

Choose an Experienced Surgeon

If you are considering high-definition laser liposuction, choose an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery facility that provides the service of plastic surgeons who are experts in this procedure. Any kind of surgery comes with its own risks and the body requires time to recover.  An experienced liposuction surgeon will evaluate your anatomical considerations and other factors, and provide you with a detailed overview of the procedure at the consultation – including a reasonable estimate of the operating time and how to prepare for the treatment.

It’s important to understand the downtime involved and make your plans accordingly. However, keep in mind that, though there is a specific recovery time for high-definition laser liposuction in Manhattan, this may vary for each individual. You also need to take steps to ensure proper after-care. Following your plastic surgeon’s pre- and post-op instructions correctly is important for smooth recovery and optimal outcomes.

Get a perfectly sculpted look with high definition laser liposuction in Manhattan today and transform your body with precision.

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