The Truth behind Some Common Misconceptions about Liposuction

by | Published on May 27, 2015 | Liposuction Surgery

Liposuction is more common than it used to be for people who are bothered about stubborn fat that refuses to go away with rigorous diets and exercise. Advanced, minimally invasive techniques such as Smartlipo Triplex assisted laser liposuction that combine efficiency and safety can improve body contour with minimal side effects and downtime. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), up to 201,552 liposuction procedures were performed in 2014, up by 5 percent from the previous year. However, there are still a lot of misconceptions about the treatment. Let’s take a look at the truth behind these:

  • It is meant only for women: No, this body sculpting treatment is ideal for men too, especially when it comes to tackling fat deposits in problem areas such as the abdomen. Moreover, hi-def lipo is specially designed to help men achieve a torso that looks lean and muscular.
  • It can help weight loss: This procedure is not an obesity or weight loss solution. When you are close to your ideal weight, and dieting and exercise fail to eliminate those last few pounds, lipo can help.
  • It is risky: Like all other cosmetic procedures, lipolysis comes with some risks of complications. But these risks are minimal when an experienced plastic surgeon performs the procedure using advanced minimally invasive, safe technology.
  • Liposuction removes cellulite: Lipo cannot treat cellulite. Cellulite appears due to structural problems under the skin and occurs when fat cells get trapped by the fibrous cords that attach the fat layers to the skin. Cellulaze is a recommended treatment for cellulite.
  • Liposuction is not an option in your 60s: Age is generally not a barrier for this plastic surgery procedure. You have to be healthy and close to your ideal weight, but you need to consult a reliable plastic surgeon to confirm your candidature.
  • The fat loss is permanent: The fat will return, if you do not follow a healthy lifestyle after your treatment. Eating healthy and exercising is necessary to help keep your weight down and prevent the fat from coming back.

Consulting a good surgeon is the best way to understand the facts about lipolysis and get all your doubts cleared so that you can go ahead with confidence.

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