What Does Upper Arm Liposuction Recovery Involve?

by | Published on Nov 5, 2021 | Arm Liposuction

Feeling embarrassed to wear sleeveless clothes due to sagging upper arms or “batwings”? Then consider upper arm liposuction in New York City. Fat accumulation in the upper arm is very difficult and challenging to get rid of, even with strenuous exercise and dieting. However, upper arm liposuction addresses it easily, providing slimmer, more attractive, and shapely upper arms. Leading plastic surgery facilities perform this procedure using the minimally invasive, laser-assisted, FDA-approved Smartlipo Triplex liposuction device. Even though it is a minimally invasive treatment, for a smooth recovery and effective outcome, it is crucial to follow your surgeon’s aftercare instructions diligently.

Let’s check out some aftercare instructions that experts recommend, which can promote faster recovery:

  • Wear the compression garment as instructed as it will help improve blood circulation, minimize swelling, flush out of harmful fluids, and speed up the healing process.
  • Avoid aspirin-containing products for at least a week.
  • Taking the prescribed pain relief medication will help manage pain, discomfort and tenderness in the area.
  • Refrain from heavy activities like lifting or those involving physical or mental stress.
  • Take proper rest and sleep for a smooth and quick recovery.
  • Maintain a healthy diet and drink sufficient water to keep the body hydrated.
  • Patients will be advised to sleep on their back (not on their stomach or side) with their head elevated for at least the first two weeks. The arms must be kept elevated with the help of pillows for the first 72 hours after the procedure, as it would ensure drainage of fluids from the upper extremities and reduce inflammation in the surrounding soft tissue.
  • Quit smoking as it may prolong healing time and increase the risk of complications.
  • Avoid alcohol for a few days.
  • Stay active post-surgery by taking a light walk and slowly increasing activity every day. But remember to not overdo it.
  • Avoid sunbathing or exposing the scars to the sun for at least 12 months.
  • Don’t scratch the treatment site.
  • Keep the incisions clean and inspect daily for signs of infection.
  • Keep all follow-up appointments with your surgeon to ensure that your recovery is progressing smoothly.

Slight bruising, swelling, and soreness can be expected – even though the procedure is minimally-invasive – for at least a few weeks after upper arm liposuction in NYC. You may need to take prescription antibiotics to prevent infection. Depending upon the nature of their job, most upper arm liposuction patients can return to work within a few days. Results may vary from patient to patient. It is important to maintain realistic expectations regarding the outcome.

Usually, final results become visible within six months after the procedure, or after the body has completely healed. This time period may vary based on individual considerations. However, weight gain can affect the results. For long-lasting results, it is very important to adhere to a healthy lifestyle by incorporating proper diet and regular exercise, as weight gain can affect the results.

If you are considering upper arm liposuction, choose a plastic surgery facility that is AAAASF-accredited. Such a facility would provide the service of a Manhattan liposuction surgeon who has extensive experience in using Smartlipo technology to perform this procedure. A reliable surgeon will evaluate your concerns and provide customized treatment to help achieve your aesthetic goals.

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