Considering Hi def Body Contouring in Manhattan? Here’s What to Expect

by | Published on Mar 15, 2023 | High Definition Laser Liposuction

Lunges, pushups, cardio exercises, etc., along with a rigorous diet, can all help you lose weight, but they may not give you a smart, lean physique. Thankfully, modern body reshaping procedures such as high definition liposuction make it feasible for men and women to get a well-toned figure. Hi-Definition liposuction procedures are minimally-invasive, safe, and quick. Your body will look more defined and athletic after the surgery because of the fat removal, body toning, and skin tightening it brings about. Hi def body contouring in Manhattan uses high definition laser liposuction technique to provide an appealing, chiseled, athletic-looking body.

For the best aesthetic outcomes, you need to have the procedure performed at a good plastic surgery practice that specializes in minimally-invasive Smartlipo laser liposuction procedures for men and women.

Smartlipo Hi Def Body Contouring Benefits

  • More effective laser liposuction
  • Uses only local anesthesia
  • Lesser bleeding, bruising and trauma
  • Effective fat removal and skin tightening to provide a hi def physique
  • Less recovery time
  • Faster return to normal routine and work
  • Customized body contouring

What Is Hi def Body Contouring?

Hi def laser liposuction is performed using Cynosure’s Smartlipo Triplex. This is a laser-assisted lipolysis tool that melts fatty tissue and tones the skin by combining three powerful laser wavelengths: 1064 nm, 1320 nm, and 1440 nm. Compared to traditional liposuction, this FDA-approved technique involves less scarring, swelling, bleeding, and bruising. It provides shorter healing and recuperation times as well as less downtime for patients. The Smartlipo technology provides exceptional tissue coagulation, skin tightening, and higher disruption of fat tissues. Due to its high-definition capabilities, the surgeon can artistically sculpt six-pack abs by focusing on fat between the muscle groups.

When it comes to the plastic surgeon, only an expert, experienced surgeon can provide the best outcomes for you. Whether invasive or minimally invasive procedures, plastic surgeons at an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery practice can give you the most natural, stunning results.

  • The results you anticipate from your Hi-Definition Liposuction operation will be delivered in a way that is secure for you.
  • You won’t need to drastically alter your everyday routine during the weeks before your surgery.
  • The procedure removes fat, tones your muscles, and tightens your skin to create your desired body shape.
  • You can get rid of love handles, double chin, and slim down your waist.
  • You can return to work within four to seven days after the treatment.
  • To retain the results of the treatment, make sure that you maintain a healthy lifestyle and a good exercise routine.


Certified by both the American Board of Plastic Surgery and the American Board of Surgery, Dr. Christopher T. Chia is a fellowship-trained aesthetic plastic surgeon specializing in hi def liposuction and body contouring. Currently, Dr Chia serves as the Surgical Director of Park Avenue Smart Lipo™. He is among the top Smartlipo practitioners who have carried out the maximum number of Smartlipo procedures in New York City.

More about Our Hi def Lipo Specialist

How Is Hi def Liposuction Different from Traditional Liposuction?

  • Better body contouring outcomes: The outcomes of hi-def liposuction are more substantial than those of conventional liposuction, which is one of its main advantages. By liquefying the fat before it is removed, the treatment ensures gentle fat removal with minimal tugging and pulling which is commonly involved in traditional liposuction. This full-body procedure improves the tone and definition of the body. With hi def liposuction, laser energy is used, giving you the advantages of both fat removal and post-procedure skin tightening. In the months that follow the operation, you’ll see the skin gradually becoming better and your muscles getting more defined, giving you a toned and slender body.
  • Eliminate fat from any part of the body: Almost any area of the body can be treated with high-definition liposuction to eliminate fat. The gentle fat removal procedure makes it possible to treat delicate parts of the body like the face, neck, inner knee, and ankles. This process can slim and tone more common areas of fat, such as the belly, back, flanks, thighs, hips, chest, and upper arms. This technique blends well with other procedures and the liquified fat that has been extracted can also be used for body enhancement procedures. Due to the laser-assisted device’s skin-tightening capabilities, the skin won’t need to be sliced or lifted following the procedure.
  • Less complications in the process: Compared to conventional liposuction, hi-def liposuction carries lesser risks. The fat is eliminated without tugging or tearing, and the incision is only one to two centimeters long. You won’t need to return for the sutures’ removal because the incision is closed with temporary sutures following the procedure. You won’t be asleep during the surgery because only local anesthesia is used.
  • Shorter recovery period: Although you will still need to rest for a few days following your hi def liposuction surgery, the recovery time is substantially less than with regular liposuction. You may resume most of your everyday activities within a week because of the small incision, less bleeding, and minimal bruising. If you work in an office, you might be able to go back to work in four to seven days, but you should wait four weeks before starting more demanding tasks. This is typically an outpatient treatment; you won’t have to spend several days in a hospital bed while traditional liposuction often requires at least 24 hours of inpatient care and a 10-day recovery period before you can return to work.
    Hi def body contouring in Manhattan is a minimally-invasive, safe and effective procedure that allows for easier removal of the fat cells and tightening of skin. A skilled surgeon will pay close attention to important aesthetic details and have the creative vision necessary to produce good results. It is vital to choose an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery practice for safe, standardized care and committed follow-up till full recovery.

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