Frequently Asked Questions about Neck Liposuction

by | Published on Apr 22, 2019 | Neck Liposuction

What is Neck Liposuction?

Neck liposuction is a minimally-invasive procedure which removes excess fatty tissue and skin from the neck area. This procedure helps men and women achieve better defined, more graceful neckline. Neck liposuction in NYC surgical practices is performed using minimally-invasive laser-assisted technology.

How is laser-assisted neck liposuction performed?

The procedure is performed using the minimally-invasive Smartlipo Triplex workstation. With this FDA approved device, the procedure can be performed on an outpatient basis. After marking the treatment site and administering local anesthesia, the minimally-invasive cannula of the Smartlipo device will be used to deliver laser energy to target the fat cells through a tiny incision in the skin.  This laser energy will cause the fat to liquefy, allowing it to be suctioned out easily.

What is the advantage of neck liposuction using local anesthesia?

Neck liposuction performed as a wide-awake procedure using local anesthesia reduces down time and allows patients to return home the same day

Who is a good candidate for neck liposuction?

The ideal candidate for neck liposuction is a healthy person with a double chin – localized fat deposits in the area below the chin.  The person should be at or near to their ideal body weight with mild to moderate excess fat and skin in the neck area and have a strong underlying bone structure and have good skin elasticity. According to the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery, neck liposuction is the ideal option for people in the 20 – 50 age group, as they have good skin elasticity which is required for good results.

When can I return to work after my neck liposuction procedure?

According to the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery, patients can return to work within 1 week and to full activity after about 2 weeks.

What will the recovery be like?

You surgeon may advise you to take complete rest on the day following the procedure.  You may be advised to wear an elastic compression collar around the neck and jaw line area for a period of up to 6 weeks following surgery for optimal results.  You will also be advised to sleep with the head of the bed elevated for one week after the treatment. You should avoid bending, lifting or straining the neck area until complete recovery. Regular massage during the recovery phase may speed up healing.

Are the results permanent?

The outcome of neck liposuction is long-lasting. However, weight gain after the surgery can affect the results. It is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle for long-lasting results.

Choosing an experienced surgeon who is specialized in using Smartlipo technology is crucial for optimal results. A reliable surgeon will listen carefully to your concerns, educate you on all available options, help you take an informed decision, and ensure that the treatment is customized to meet your goals. Undergoing treatment in an AAAASF-accredited practice is important for your safety and superior quality care every step of the way.

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