Special Procedures That Help You Tone Up For the Summer

by | Published on Aug 10, 2015 | Plastic Surgery / Cosmetic Surgery

Summer is almost here and you are looking forward to have a great time outdoors. The beaches beckon but you are worried about that flab that stayed concealed during the winter will show up when you’re in a swimsuit, shorts or other summer clothing. Forget these problems – there are special procedures that can help you tone up and get your body summer ready. What’s more, you don’t have to go under the knife to achieve your body contouring goals. Plastic surgeons now offer safe and effective minimally-invasive procedures and even non-invasive treatments that provide quick results and involve minimal downtime. Let’s take a look at some of these popular cosmetic procedures

Laser liposuction: This procedure is highly recommended to treat fat deposits in areas such as arms, back, thighs and abdomen which are unresponsive to diet and exercise. The treatment involves using a small laser-enabled cannula to melt the fat so that it can be easily removed. Surgeons use the FDA-cleared Smartlipo Triplex laser-enabled workstation to perform the procedure as it comes with superior fat removal and skin tightening effects.

Male breast reduction: Going bare-chested is unthinkable for men with oversized breasts or gynecomastia as the condition is called. Fortunately, laser liposuction can remove the excess fatty and glandular tissue in the chest that is responsible for the condition. By removing the fat, coagulating the tissues, and tightening the surrounding skin, a skilled plastic surgeon can help patients achieve a more sculpted, well-defined manly physique.

Cellulite treatment: Cellulite which appears on the buttocks and thighs is a common that women face, making them shy away from wearing a swimsuit. Cellulaze is an FDA-approved modality that helps resolves the pesky, dimpled skin. The treatment improves the appearance of cellulite, enhances the skin’s natural thickness and elasticity, and results in more youthful looking skin.

Abdominal etching: This procedure is ideal for men and women who want better definition in the abdomen. Even after hours in the gym, many men find that they cannot achieve that much-coveted sculpted chest and six-pack abs. Performed by a skilled surgeon, this advanced laser-enabled treatment results in a flat midsection, impressive waist contour and improved abdominal muscle definition.

Regardless of the procedure you are considering, it’s important that you have realistic expectations. Moreover, while a skilled and experienced cosmetic surgeon can provide optimal results, you need to follow a healthy lifestyle to maintain the outcome of your treatment.

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