Calf And Ankle Liposuction In New York City – For Attractive Lower Legs

by | Published on Jun 15, 2022 | Calf Liposuction

Bulky calves and fatty ankles can impact your overall physical appearance. Disproportionately large deposits of fat around the ankles, calves, thighs and buttocks are hard to address with just diet and exercise. Ankle liposuction in New York City is an ideal option to get rid of that stubborn fatty and achieve well-defined lower legs. Also referred to as cankle liposuction, the procedure makes the lower legs look leaner and more toned.

Plastic surgeons in NYC perform ankle sculpting using the FDA approved SmartLipo Triplex system. This laser workstation is specifically designed to treat delicate, difficult-to-treat areas such as the calves and ankles. This workstation comes with three laser wavelengths (1064 nm, 1320 nm, and 1440 nm) for greater efficiency. Laser lipolysis boosts the production of collagen, which provides excellent skin tightening effects.

This minimally invasive provides diverse advantages, compared to traditional surgery –

  • safe and effective treatment
  • minimal scarring
  • less swelling, bleeding, bruising and pain
  • short treatment time and downtime
  • faster healing
  • speedy recovery
  • proven skin tightening effects
  • outpatient procedure under local anesthesia

Liposuction on calves also helps tackle the problem of asymmetry, ensuring that the calves and ankles look the same size and shape on both sides.

A good candidate for this laser liposuction procedure is a person with bulky calves, thick and poorly defined ankles, or significant fat deposits in specific regions of the calves (like lower lateral fibular, medial tibial, or the ankle area). You need to have good skin elasticity with no sun damage or sagging, be in good health, and close to your ideal body weight.

The results of the procedure will vary from patient to patient based on their unique considerations. During recovery, the surgeon may recommend wearing a compression garment around the treatment area and avoiding strenuous activities for a few days. Taking the prescribed pain medications can help in managing severe pain and discomfort. For long-lasting results, follow a healthy lifestyle to prevent weight gain.

If you are considering ankle liposuction in New York City, consult a plastic surgeon with extensive experience in performing the procedure.

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