Benefits of Facial Liposuction for Women in NYC

by | Published on Jul 11, 2022 | Facial Liposuction

Facial liposuction can dramatically transform your facial appearance. Aging and weight gain can cause fat deposits to build up in the chin, jaws, and neck, and result in a bloated, puffy look. The good news is that this common aesthetic concern can be addressed safely and effectively with facial liposuction for women in NYC. This minimally-invasive procedure is performed using the advanced, FDA-approved Smartlipo Triplex workstation. This laser liposuction device provides exceptional fat removal and skin tightening results.

Want to refresh your facial appearance and achieve a more sculpted and youthful look?

Realize your dream with facial liposuction at our plastic surgery facility.

Call 212-265-2724 | 1-888-869-2762 to schedule your consultation.

Benefits of Smartlipo Facial Liposuction for Women

Facial Liposuction

Not every woman is a good candidate for the procedure. The procedure is a good option for those who have localized fat deposits in the face along with healthy skin and good skin elasticity. You should be in good general health and a non-smoker. It’s also important to have realistic expectations about the outcome.

Final results will become visible within six months or after the treated area has completely healed. For a smooth recovery, make sure to follow your surgeon’s post-operative care tips diligently.

Expert surgeons can combine facial liposuction in Manhattan with other procedures, such as a facelift to enhance your overall definition and improve facial appearance.

Our plastic surgeons provide minimally-invasive facial liposuction for women with quick recovery and short downtime.

Achieve a youthful, rejuvenated appearance and regain your confidence!

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