What Aftercare Should I Follow Post Gynecomastia Surgery?

by | Published on Oct 5, 2020 | Gynecomastia /Male Breast Reduction

Gynecomastia or severe breast enlargement in men is a condition that can impair a man’s confidence and affect his quality of life. This condition occurs due to the presence of excess fatty and glandular tissue in the chest area which is caused due to several factors such as hormonal imbalance, genetic traits, and obesity. Though it may not pose any health issues, many men are embarrassed about this condition. Fortunately, gynecomastia treatment in Manhattan, NYC could help men address this concern effectively.

Leading plastic surgery practices providing gynecomastia treatment use the minimally-invasive FDA-approved Smartlipo Triplex workstation to perform this procedure. The workstation utilizes laser energy to remove the excess breast fat and tissue, resulting in a well-contoured, manly physique. The treatment is performed under local anesthesia and side effects such as bleeding and swelling are minimal. However, to obtain optimal results, you need to be careful during the recovery period and take proper care. Let’s check out some aftercare tips that can help speed up Gynecomastia recovery:

Gynecomastia Surgery

Along with all the above, clean your incisions, apply the prescribed antibiotic ointment, and change the dressing every day. This is because, maintaining a proper aftercare routine will make recovery easier, reduce the chances of needing secondary surgery, and avoid complications.

If you are considering gynecomastia treatment in Manhattan, NYC, choose an AAAASF-accredited plastic surgery facility. Such facilities have plastic surgeons who are experts in performing the procedure. Following your surgeon’s pre- and post-surgical instructions will help prepare your body for the surgery and promote quicker healing after the treatment.

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