What Should You Know before Going for Male Flanks Liposuction?

by | Published on Mar 31, 2023 | Flanks/Love Handles Liposuction

Flanks, commonly referred to as love handles, comprise fat that builds up around the waist and can affect both men and women. One of the reasons why men develop love handles is because they tend to carry more belly fat than women do. Men’s love handles can also grow as a result of lifestyle choices including bad diet and poor exercise. However, male love handles liposuction can help with this. You can get rid of this stubborn fat on your hips and get a smaller waist with male flanks liposuction in NYC.

Unhappy with those bulky flanks? Don’t worry; we’ve got the right solution.

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Considering how fat is spread throughout the body, love handles are challenging to remove. It can take a while to lose the final trace of belly fat in both men and women because the fat tends to accumulate in the mid- section first. While stomach exercises, a nutritious diet, and cardio may help you feel stronger overall, they won’t necessarily help you lose that extra fat. Age, hormones, a lack of exercise, a diet high in fat and sugar, sleep deprivation, or other factors that slow down metabolism are the main causes of love handles in males.

Removing Flanks Using Smartlipo Triplex

Although love handles are hard to get rid of, they can be removed using liposuction. Laser liposuction using Smartlipo Triplex is a great way to get rid of love handles. It is a minimally-invasive procedure and is provided under local anesthesia. Three different laser wavelengths (1064 nm, 1320 nm, and 1440 nm) are used by the Smartlipo Triplex body contouring workstation to coagulate tissue and break the fat cells, causing tissue retraction. With the use of its sophisticated delivery systems, SmartSenseTM, ThermaGuideTM and ThermaViewTM, the surgeon may continually monitor and regulate skin temperature while maintaining safe treatment levels. This minimally-invasive procedure is performed under local anesthesia. The laser liquefies the fat before liposuction can remove it, producing a smoother result with minimal downtime and patients can get back to work in just 2-3 days.

Not a Weight Loss Procedure

It is important to keep in mind that liposuction on love handles in Manhattan is not a weight loss operation. Before thinking about this treatment if you are overweight, you might first want to lose additional weight by diet and exercise and get to your target weight. Only when lifestyle adjustments have failed to yield the desired outcomes is liposuction advised. It has the ability to treat fat deposits that are resistant to diet and exercise. The quantity of adipose cells in a certain area of your body is reduced through liposuction surgery. The amount of fat to be removed and the appearance of the area are both factors. As long as the weight is steady, the resulting shape transformation is typically irreversible. A person who is in good health, has elastic skin, does not smoke, and is closer to his/her target body weight is a good candidate for this treatment.

Preparing for the Treatment

Consulting a reliable surgeon is the first step of your preparation process. Discuss your objectives, your options, the expenses, the advantages, and the risks of the operation. Ask any and all queries you might have. For a before-and-after comparison, you can also take images. Dietary and alcohol restrictions may be part of liposuction preparation for a set amount of time. Allergies and medications, including over-the-counter or herbal supplements, should be disclosed to your surgeon. A minimum of three weeks before surgery, doctors advise patients to stop taking certain drugs, such as blood thinners. To reduce the chance of problems, pay close attention to the surgeon’s instructions. A few laboratory tests can also be required of you before the treatment.

Recovering from the Treatment

There will be some swelling and discomfort in the initial days. Two weeks after the treatment, the majority of people will be able to go back to work. You might not be able to resume your normal exercise level for up to four weeks. You will be provided with an elasticized compression garment that helps to lessen swelling and bruising after the surgery. Following the operation, it must be worn for at least six weeks. Most patients also use the medicines they were provided to reduce any pain and swelling. Maintain a healthy lifestyle and also follow the surgeon’s instructions carefully for a faster recovery.

Get Rid of Flab with Male Flanks Liposuction in NYC

At Park Avenue Smart Lipo, we have trained and experienced physicians to perform Smartlipo procedures. You can book your appointment today @ 212-265-2724.

Find a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon, if you are considering male flanks liposuction in Manhattan. The surgeon must be experienced in using the Smartlipo Triplex equipment for love handles liposuction. To assist patients in achieving their cosmetic goals, skilled surgeons will assess the patient’s concerns and design a treatment plan that is unique to them.

Read more: Love Handles Liposuction – Restore a Natural-looking Midsection

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